The Power of Morale

“Morale is the confidence, enthusiasm and discipline a person or group has at a particular time to achieve a task or mission.”

Did you know that there is a proven formula to giving direction and feedback that improves your odds of influencing people within your organization to perform at their very best, consistently?

THE POWER OF MORALE is drawn from Martin’s 30+ years of combined military, entrepreneurial and corporate experience. He suggests that leaders should never underestimate the power of morale as a key component of performance and success.

Manage Expectations & Lead Performance

In this workshop, Martin will help you understand the true power you have as a leader to Humanize Work.
Directly influencing performance and a positive impact on the work interface. He will share practical, behavioural-based leadership tools and advice that are immediately applicable in the Path of Work.

Learn & Uncover

  • What is a behaviour

  • A chemical reaction called feelings

  • What is in the path of work

  • How simple behavioural decision making is

  • How to use the feedback engine

  • How to use behavioural visioning

  • What are enabling and at-risk behaviours

  • How to domesticate and work with ones emotions

  • How emotions affect your decision making process

  • How to know how you are perceived as a leader

  • What is the work interface

  • How to create a competency matrix

If you are a multilevel organization where automation is not a viable solution for performance,
there is a constant need for effective and efficient decision making at all levels.

Schedule a
Discovery Call

Find out how this impactful talk can benefit your organization and team.